Wednesday 21 March 2012

Wednesday March 21st Response

Wednesday March 21st, 2011 -  Response 
Being a millennial child, I was born during a big technological revolution and was raised using technology for almost everything.  Although these technologies seem second nature to me, they are harder for the older generations to grasp.  Google has been my homepage for as long as I can remember, google has helped me to get the basics on searching the internet.  Now experimenting with new search engines and google + I feel that I can pick words that will return better results and choose through results to get the information I was looking for.  Frequently us millennial's discover tricks in technology without a manual or instruction (such as in my case googles calculator and easydictionary)  With my knowledge in technology I feel like I could easily adapt to upcoming and future technologies.  I’d rate my net search skills 9/10
Traditionally my family has always run off of PC computers and have always had the Microsoft office suite for many reasons but in particular we liked how compatible it was with school computers. (both my parents are teachers)  Recently however my mom and I switched over to the world of apple where we now have the iworks suite and like the ease of the software.  It’s almost like all buttons are just where they should be, and for now I’ll be sticking to apple.  ** For a time my uncle gave us a computer that ran off of the linux operating system where I discovered the open office suite.  Having experience with MS office as well as many of it’s alternatives I feel like my office suite skills are up to date with todays standards. I’d rate my office suite skills 9/1-
In our technologically advanced world, ease of you is a priority for many software programs or even hardware.  Interactive help tutorials are becoming more frequent with software.  I feel like I can figure out many programs by myself and rarely find myself with a problem.  If however I do find a program I usually use search engines for the answer rather than the help menu’s and that seems to be working out A-OK.  I’d rate my self learning help skills 9/10.
Typing .... right.  Well in elementary school I was always stuck in typing classes but my form was never the “proper” way to do it, however I still pump out over fifty decent words a minute.  So yeah.. that’s not great but it’s not awful! This could always be improved but it would be like teaching an old dog a new trick.  I’d rate my typing skills a 7/10
Social media protection and security... oh no.  I understand how to use social networking sites like facebook, twitter, tumblr, flikr all of those however some of the material that I have on my networks is the not type of material I’d like to my mother to see.  When applying for jobs after university I plan to have separate accounts for business and leisure to prevent potential problems.  I’d rate my social media skills a 6/10
Netiquette.  Hmm... the short form of “net etiquette”  I feel like I know the do’s and don’ts or unwritten rules of facebook.  Doing things like “liking” randoms pictures or comments are generally unacceptable.  Writing professional emails hasn’t really applied to me yet but by following the same form as a professional letter I should be able to get by decently.  I’d rate my netiquette a 6/10
Because I am on a mac there is a lot of built in security software that stops viruses and malware however I realize that it is not perfect.  The browser I use (google Chrome) has a phishing filter and will also notify me is a spam/phishing site is expected and warns me to proceed with caution.  Many of my online profiles are not hidden and this is a major security breach and has potential for identity theft.  I realize this isn’t cool but I’m lazy and probably won’t end up changing it.  Security and safety skilles ... 6/10
Hardware basics and troubleshooting.  I’m decent with troubleshooting the various problems that have been happening to me throughout my life.  Usually I’m stuck fixing all the problems with printers and wifi and personally have had to reload/jailbreak/unlock my friends iphones and ipods.  So I must be doing something right.  Lately however I haven’t been keeping up with how new hardware and software works internally and don’t think that I could fix problems without help... but there’s always a tutorial for everything.  I’d rate the hardware basics and troubleshooting a 7.5/10
Backup Data.  I literally back up every single thing on my computers with a 750GB hard drive at least weekly unless something happens.  I’d rate my “data backup skills” a 9/10 because there’s always need for improvement.  
Check out Seagates wireless hard drive, it’s kinda cool
With the appstore now for mac finding applications for literally anything is easy to find using their menu’s.  Chances are some of these app’s will interact with other apple products like your iphone, ipod or ipad, apple tv or other apple products... Using many different apple devices at home I can almost always find an application to solve any problem.... have the time they’re even free!  I really do find that “there’s an app for that” for everything.  My only problem however is that sometime’s there is a compatibility issue with information from PC’s to Mac’s  and that kinda sucks.   I’d rate my finding apps and software skills a 8/10 for the soul reason that sometime’s compatibility throughout platforms creates way more work than necessary. 
Copyright and Citing sources.  Usually I just google “cite generator” and use one of the many easy citation generators found online.  I’d rate my skill for this a 2/10 because I can somewhat find the information however I’d rate my problem solving skills 8/10


  1. Dude, this is great writing! I mean wow. As soon as I looked at the page I could tell how well written it was by the even flow of the words. I would venture to say both your parents are good teachers. Netiquette is obviously something that must be taught based on how well this post is. Thanks for your contribution to the cyber sphere.

  2. Wow! thanks a lot for the compliment!
