Wednesday 11 April 2012

Itunes U, Post Two

                              The World's A busy place!

Schooling - Problem and solution.  

There are time management issues in classic school environments.  These issue's are solved when put online, because students may look at material whenever they choose to.  Here are some qualities of the different environments. 

Old School

Traditionally, schools ran at specific times during the day.  People attended the classes to get the knowledge they needed to pass their exams.  If for some reason, a student missed a class, it was entirely their responsibility to figure out what they missed, and learn it.  When teacher's missed classes, the class was left with a supply teacher.... that usually knows absolutely nothing on the subject they are supposed to be teaching. 

Time was, and still is a problem in the classic school environment.  Many tough situations arise with this old system such as,  when teachers or students missing vital classes such as review periods.  Communication is missed, and it's not fair to either party to be responsible for problems related to time.   

New School, "Always on" Schooling

The new school experience provides students with freedom.  With their course being on Itune's, students are able to learn the material on their own time, and at their own pace.  They may take as long as they need to thoroughly understand a material, and always have the opportunity to watch their lecture again and again and again.    For teachers, I'm assuming this new method helps with time management as well.  This way as long as students take responsibility and do their learning, they will never miss any material because of other commitments.  I find this a much fairer environment where everyone is provided with the same opportunities.


Using new technology available,  it is possible to learn online.  Many different industries could use this technology to reduce costs.  For example: businesses can now do all their training online, which prevents the need to pay a trainer and  schools no longer need to limit class sizes anymore, which reduces the need to pay an extra professor.

Looking forward, the new learning technologies that are available overcome various barriers such as time, distance, and quantity.  Training and learning can now be done on one's own time, regardless of where they are in the world, and as many people as like may participate.

Overall I feel that Itunes U courses are going to be increasingly more popular in the next few years because of the advantages they provide to everyone.  

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