Wednesday 11 April 2012

Itunes U, Post One

Online learning

This is going to be a comparison and personal reflection between a tradition learning style, and a new learning tactic found online.  The Khan academy is a collection of video's that provide an alternative to the classic in class learning style.

Khan Academy

I actually discovered Khan academy earlier this semester when I joined a data class extremely late.  All of the concepts that I missed, were available on the youtube channel as mini video lessons.  These little lessons taught me how to solve permutations & combinations better than any standard teacher could have, as far as I'm concerned.  I feel that because I have self initiative, these lessons are able to teach me concepts extremely effectively, without the need to be in class.

With these lessons, I could actually go back and review any material that I found confusing  whereas, in a classic setting, the class will wait for no one.  I also found that the Khan Academy displayed math concepts in their most basic forms, this provided me with a quick learning curve.

Here is the video, that saved my life!

Personal Results

Personally, I aced my data test.  In fact, I only managed to have a 2% margin of error.  Compared to the class that learned the concepts in class for weeks, I got the second highest mark.  Somehow this new learning method taught me Permutations & combinations more effectively than the teacher in front of the class could.  

Since I originally discovered Khan Academy, I've used it's video's  to study and learn in various subject areas.  A problem that arose from the academy however is that,  you need to have initiative to actually be productive.  Unlike a standard classroom, there is no obligation to "attend" Khan Academy's study session. 


Overall I feel like the Khan Academy's a great addition to the standard classroom for anyone, that has self initiate, and will take responsibility for their own learning.   Although the video tutor's are a great substation for those independent people, there are always going to be people that will not take advantage of the lesson's because they feel they have "better things to do."  For the soul reason that people exist like that, I don't feel Khan's academy, or any similar online tool will replace standard high schools.  As I'm sure it was not designed to, either.

What might happen, and I feel should happen however is the ability to write high school course exams without spending months of your life in the class.  It shouldn't matter whether a student gets their knowledge from in class, or online  if they know the material than they should be able to write an exam for a credit.  

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